19. Project 2 troubleshooting


Camille Seaberry


May 11, 2024


Spatial joins

Here’s how you can join sf points with sf polygons in order to find, for example, the number of points in each polygon. This example is brownfields per county. Like with other joins, it matters which is on the left & which is on the right. sf::st_join has an argument to change from a left join to an inner join by setting left = TRUE (the default) to left = FALSE, respectively. The geometry after the join will follow the type of object on the left.

counties_sf <- tigris::counties(state = "24", cb = TRUE) |>
  select(county = NAMELSAD)

# need to get into same crs
brownfields_transform <- st_transform(brownfields_sf, st_crs(counties_sf)) |>
  # selecting just a subset of columns to make it easier to see what's going on
  select(site = name, is_archived)

st_join(counties_sf, brownfields_transform) |>
  head() # polygon join point = polygon
county site is_archived geometry
60 Baltimore County Sauer Dump FALSE MULTIPOLYGON (((-76.3257 39…
60.1 Baltimore County Aviation Station FALSE MULTIPOLYGON (((-76.3257 39…
60.2 Baltimore County 68th Street Dump/ East Baltimore Dumping Complex FALSE MULTIPOLYGON (((-76.3257 39…
60.3 Baltimore County Industrial Enterprises FALSE MULTIPOLYGON (((-76.3257 39…
60.4 Baltimore County Bear Creek Sediments FALSE MULTIPOLYGON (((-76.3257 39…
61 Worcester County Campbell Soup Property TRUE MULTIPOLYGON (((-75.66061 3…
st_join(brownfields_transform, counties_sf) |>
  head() # point join polygon = point
site is_archived geometry county
FNT Realty Cherry Hill FALSE POINT (-76.6335 39.2574) Baltimore city
Bush Valley Landfill FALSE POINT (-76.2619 39.4671) Harford County
101 Garrett Street FALSE POINT (-76.6143 39.2376) Baltimore city
Northhampton, City of Largo TRUE POINT (-76.8279 38.8806) Prince George’s County
Shellfish Seafood, Ltd. FALSE POINT (-75.688 38.2008) Somerset County
Former PPG - Works No. 7 (Pittsburg Plate Glass) TRUE POINT (-78.7479 39.5914) Allegany County

There are 150 rows in the brownfields data, but the first join, the dataframe with points joined onto polygons, has 153 rows. That’s because there are 3 counties with no brownfields. To deal with that, I’ll redo the join with left = FALSE to make it an inner join, so I don’t have any counties without brownfields.

sites_per_county <- st_join(counties_sf, brownfields_transform, left = FALSE) |>
  # drop geometry---just want data frame for now
  st_drop_geometry() |>
  group_by(county) |>
  summarise(n_total_sites = n(),
            # throwing in another example aggregation
            n_open_sites = sum(!is_archived))

# join back onto counties shape, so every county has a polygon with a count
# that makes sure we get a true 0 observation for counties without sites
sites_per_county_sf <- counties_sf |>
  left_join(sites_per_county, by = "county") |>
  # fill in 0 for counties with no observations
  mutate(across(n_total_sites:n_open_sites, \(x) tidyr::replace_na(x, 0)))

ggplot(sites_per_county_sf) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = n_open_sites), color = "black", linewidth = 0.2) +
  scale_fill_distiller(palette = "BuPu", direction = 1) +
  labs(title = "Number of current brownfields by county")

Maybe a more meaningful thing to do would be a rate, such as brownfields per 100,000 residents or brownfields per square mile, using data from the ACS dataset.

sites_per_county_sf |>
  left_join(acs |> select(name, total_pop, area_sqmi), by = c("county" = "name")) |>
  mutate(open_sites_per_100k = (n_open_sites / total_pop) * 100000) |>
  ggplot() +
    geom_sf(aes(fill = open_sites_per_100k), color = "black", linewidth = 0.2) +
    scale_fill_distiller(palette = "BuPu", direction = 1) +
    labs(title = "Current brownfields per 100k residents by county")

If instead we were interested in the points themselves but wanted to know what counties they were each in, a join with brownfields on the left would be helpful. For this example it wouldn’t be super useful, but for other project ideas (such as finding points within buffers) it could be.

Lumping factor levels

If you have a variable with several values you want to collapse into one, the easiest way to do this is to make it a factor if it isn’t already, then use one of forcats’ helper functions.

With a character column, we can use fct_other or the various fct_lump_* functions to select which levels to keep; everything else gets dumped into the “other” category. The advantage of doing this with factors (as opposed to character vectors) is that factor levels have an order, and these functions will automatically put the “order” level last. Here are a few of those functions:

# way more medium values than would be useful
art_types <- art_sf |>
  st_drop_geometry() |>

art_types |>
  count(medium, sort = TRUE) |>
  mutate(share = n / sum(n))
medium n share
mural 147 0.2639138
bronze 83 0.1490126
painted steel 18 0.0323160
steel 17 0.0305206
concrete 14 0.0251346
aluminum 11 0.0197487
mural (non-city funded) 11 0.0197487
sculpture 11 0.0197487
marble 10 0.0179533
ceramic tiles 9 0.0161580
limestone 9 0.0161580
stainless steel 9 0.0161580
weathering steel 8 0.0143627
corten steel 7 0.0125673
oil/canvas 5 0.0089767
stained glass 5 0.0089767
ceramic tile 4 0.0071813
cor ten 4 0.0071813
fabric wall hanging 4 0.0071813
fiber 4 0.0071813
granite 4 0.0071813
acrylic 3 0.0053860
acrylic, wood 3 0.0053860
painted aluminum 3 0.0053860
polyester resin 3 0.0053860
acrylic paint 2 0.0035907
acrylic windows 2 0.0035907
brick 2 0.0035907
ceramics 2 0.0035907
chrome 2 0.0035907
copper 2 0.0035907
corten 2 0.0035907
epoxy resin 2 0.0035907
fiberglass, stainless ste 2 0.0035907
metal 2 0.0035907
metal sculpture 2 0.0035907
metal wall sculpture 2 0.0035907
mixed media 2 0.0035907
mosaic tile 2 0.0035907
neon 2 0.0035907
stone aggregate 2 0.0035907
terra cotta 2 0.0035907
acrylic on canvas 1 0.0017953
acrylic window 1 0.0017953
aggregate stone 1 0.0017953
aluminum and bronze 1 0.0017953
aluminum plate 1 0.0017953
aluminum relief 1 0.0017953
aluminum wall relief 1 0.0017953
aluminum, corten, stainle 1 0.0017953
aluminum, plexiglas, mirr 1 0.0017953
bas relief 1 0.0017953
black tennensee marble 1 0.0017953
brass 1 0.0017953
brick and concrete 1 0.0017953
brick sculptured wall 1 0.0017953
brick wall hanging 1 0.0017953
bridge repainting 1 0.0017953
bronze & marble 1 0.0017953
bronze and granite 1 0.0017953
bronze and unpolished granite 1 0.0017953
bronze and welded copper 1 0.0017953
bronze bust, stainless steel pedestal 1 0.0017953
bronze coated steel 1 0.0017953
bronze1992/orig.cast iron 1 0.0017953
burnished aluminum 1 0.0017953
bus shelters 1 0.0017953
cast aluminum 1 0.0017953
cast granite 1 0.0017953
cast iron 1 0.0017953
cast stone 1 0.0017953
cement 1 0.0017953
ceramic bas relief 1 0.0017953
ceramic tree 1 0.0017953
clay 1 0.0017953
collage 1 0.0017953
concrete aggregate 1 0.0017953
concrete and corten steel 1 0.0017953
concrete and glass 1 0.0017953
concrete and rubber 1 0.0017953
concrete with ceramic til 1 0.0017953
concrete, aluminum, steel 1 0.0017953
concrete, steel, aluminum 1 0.0017953
concrete/ stone 1 0.0017953
copper and stainless steel 1 0.0017953
cor-ten & stainless steel 1 0.0017953
corten & steel 1 0.0017953
corten steel and aluminum 1 0.0017953
etched glass 1 0.0017953
exposed aggregate 1 0.0017953
fiberglass 1 0.0017953
fiberglass & clock 1 0.0017953
forged steel 1 0.0017953
formica frames 1 0.0017953
free-standing sculpture 1 0.0017953
galvanized playground str 1 0.0017953
glass-reinforced polyester resin 1 0.0017953
granite & steel 1 0.0017953
granite and aluminum? 1 0.0017953
gunite 1 0.0017953
iron 1 0.0017953
limestone and cedar 1 0.0017953
limestone/stainless steel 1 0.0017953
mayari r steel 1 0.0017953
memorial 1 0.0017953
metal (bronze?) 1 0.0017953
metalic sculpture 1 0.0017953
mosaic 1 0.0017953
mosaic tile/concrete sculpture 1 0.0017953
mosaic tiles 1 0.0017953
oil on canvas 1 0.0017953
oil on canvas, framed 1 0.0017953
oil/masonite 1 0.0017953
painted corten plate steel 1 0.0017953
painted metal 1 0.0017953
painted mural 1 0.0017953
painted steel tubing 1 0.0017953
painting 1 0.0017953
photographic display case 1 0.0017953
photographic emulsion 1 0.0017953
photographic mural 1 0.0017953
photographic relief piece 1 0.0017953
plaques 1 0.0017953
polished steel 1 0.0017953
porcelain enameling iron 1 0.0017953
portrait 1 0.0017953
print, wood 1 0.0017953
quarry tile floor 1 0.0017953
restoration of paintings 1 0.0017953
sandstone 1 0.0017953
sculptural garden 1 0.0017953
sculptural panel and mura 1 0.0017953
sculpture - neon, aluminum & resin 1 0.0017953
sculpture, painted steel 1 0.0017953
sculptured display cases 1 0.0017953
sheet bronze doors 1 0.0017953
slate & cor ten 1 0.0017953
stained glass mobile 1 0.0017953
stainglass 1 0.0017953
stainless steel / aluminum? 1 0.0017953
stainless steel and alumi 1 0.0017953
stainless steel and bronz 1 0.0017953
steel & steel cable 1 0.0017953
steel and aluminum 1 0.0017953
steel and corten 1 0.0017953
steel, aluminum, cable,castconcrete 1 0.0017953
steel, forged iron, wood 1 0.0017953
stone 1 0.0017953
stone (or terracotta) 1 0.0017953
tactile relief mural 1 0.0017953
tennenese limestine 1 0.0017953
terra-cotta 1 0.0017953
tiles 1 0.0017953
urns 1 0.0017953
wall hangings 1 0.0017953
welded metal sculpture 1 0.0017953
welded metal wall sculptu 1 0.0017953
wood 1 0.0017953
wood relief 1 0.0017953

Only keep 3 most common levels:

art_types |>
  mutate(medium_grps = forcats::fct_lump_n(medium, 
                                           n = 3, 
                                           other_level = "other types")) |>
medium_grps n
bronze 83
mural 147
painted steel 18
other types 309

Only keep levels with at least 12 observations:

art_types |>
  mutate(medium_grps = forcats::fct_lump_min(medium, 
                                           min = 12, 
                                           other_level = "other types")) |>
medium_grps n
bronze 83
concrete 14
mural 147
painted steel 18
steel 17
other types 278

Only keep levels I’ve specifically chosen (let’s say I’m interested in a few sculpture types):

art_types |>
  mutate(medium_grps = forcats::fct_other(medium, 
                                          keep = c("concrete", "marble", "limestone", "granite"),
                                          other_level = "other types")) |>
medium_grps n
concrete 14
granite 4
limestone 9
marble 10
other types 520
# rstudio started warning that you need the drop argument also; that's a lie

Booleans / logical values

Going back over the bit of boolean math we talked about: logical values (true / false) can translate in most (all?) languages to numeric values (1 / 0). That gives you some shortcuts when you need to aggregate data based on logical values.

x_logic <- c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)

# count of true values
[1] 3
# count of false values
[1] 2
# share of values that are true
[1] 0.6

Encoding data to size

If you map data onto the size of a point, encode that information in the point’s area, not its radius. Perception studies show that area is what we’re reading more than radius, and you want your data to have a 1 to 1 relationship with the thing you’re encoding to (data-to-ink ratio). The default in ggplot is radius, but you can override that with scale_size_area. Normally, size scales (e.g. scale_size_continuous) would have an argument range for the smallest and largest values to use; for area, you give max_size as a single number. If you have a 0 in your data, it will have an area of 0, unlike when using the continuous scale.

x_area <- data.frame(location = 1:4, 
                     value = c(1, 0, 2, 5))

# why would a value of 0 have a point?? We wouldn't draw a bar in a bar chart
# for a 0 value
ggplot(x_area, aes(x = location, y = 1, size = value)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_size_continuous(range = c(1, 10))

# still kinda has a dot for 0 but that might be a graphic device artifact..?
ggplot(x_area, aes(x = location, y = 1, size = value)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_size_area(max_size = 10)

Two-way contingency table as mosaic plot

Two true/false variables (or other qualitative variables) can be shown as a contingency table with a mosaic plot. Adding facets gives you the option of more than two dimensions.

current_brownfields <- brownfields_sf |>
  st_drop_geometry() |>
  filter(!is_archived) |>
  count(is_ongoing_assess, is_ongoing_remed)

# number of sites currently being assessed, remediated, neither, both
is_ongoing_assess is_ongoing_remed n
ggplot(current_brownfields) +
  geom_mosaic(aes(x = product(is_ongoing_assess), fill = is_ongoing_remed, weight = n))

Creating a new spatial variable

For things that are related to distance, such as accessibility (e.g. bus stops) or hazards (e.g. brownfields) if can be useful to create a variable flagging whether a location is within some certain distance of a target. You can do this with spatial overlays. The locations you use as your unit of analysis don’t have to be points that may be within some buffer of the target; they could also be an area like census tracts.

Here’s a local superfund site (the Sauer dump in Baltimore County) with a 2 mile radius around it. We can create a dummy variable denoting whether locations are in that buffer, join the buffer to our unit of analysis (tracts), then use that flag as a way to split up the data.

dump_buffer <- brownfields_sf |>
  filter(name == "Sauer Dump") |>
  sf::st_transform(2248) |>
  sf::st_buffer(dist = 2 * 5280) |>
  select(geometry) |>
  # dummy variable to show that tracts are within the buffer
  mutate(is_near_sauer = TRUE)

There are a couple ways to join spatial data—st_join will join data from the sf object y onto the sf object x; this can be a left join (left = TRUE, the default) or an inner join (left = FALSE). The geometry of x stays the same.

# baltimore-area tracts
balt_tracts <- tracts_sf |>
  # need same crs

# left join keeps all tracts
st_join(balt_tracts, dump_buffer, left = TRUE) |>
  select(is_near_sauer) |>
  plot(main = "left join")

# inner join keeps only tracts in buffer
st_join(balt_tracts, dump_buffer, left = FALSE) |>
  select(is_near_sauer) |>
  plot(main = "inner join")

Calculating the intersection of geometries instead (st_intersection) changes the geometry of x based on how it intersects with y.

st_intersection(balt_tracts, dump_buffer) |>
  select(is_near_sauer) |>
  plot(main = "intersection")

To make a variable that allows us to compare some data for tracts within the buffer versus those outside the buffer, we want the spatial left join. For the NAs that result from the join, fill in FALSE.

dump_tracts <- st_join(balt_tracts, dump_buffer, left = TRUE) |>
  mutate(is_near_sauer = tidyr::replace_na(is_near_sauer, replace = FALSE))

dump_tracts |>
  st_drop_geometry() |>
is_near_sauer n
dump_tracts |>
  left_join(ej_natl, by = c("geoid" = "tract")) |>
  filter(indicator %in% c("diesel", "releases_to_air", "risk_mgmt_plan", "wastewater")) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = indicator, y = value_ptile, color = is_near_sauer)) +

Because these two groups are so skewed (only 18 tracts in the buffer), another chart that shows the distributions but also gives some sense of the group size might be more appropriate (beeswarm, density). You could do something similar with more than one buffer around more than one site, such as ACS variables split by whether a tract is within 2 miles of a superfund (NPL) site.

all_tracts_sf <- tigris::tracts(state = "24", cb = TRUE) |>
  select(geoid = GEOID) |>

npl_buffer <- brownfields_sf |>
         site_type %in% c("npl", "both")) |>
  st_transform(2248) |>
  st_buffer(dist = 2 * 5280) |>
  mutate(is_near_npl = TRUE) |>
  group_by(is_near_npl) |>

acs_x_npl <- all_tracts_sf |>
  st_join(npl_buffer, left = TRUE) |>
  mutate(is_near_npl = tidyr::replace_na(is_near_npl, FALSE)) |>
  left_join(acs, by = c("geoid" = "name"))

acs_x_npl |>
  select(geoid, is_near_npl, white, poverty, less_than_high_school, homeownership, foreign_born) |>
  st_drop_geometry() |>
  tidyr::pivot_longer(-geoid:-is_near_npl, names_to = "variable") |>
  ggplot(aes(x = variable, y = value, color = is_near_npl)) +

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