A dataset containing responses to questions about unfair treatment by police from the 2021 DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey. The data is broken down by location, category, and group, with values for adults in Connecticut, New Haven, and the Greater New Haven area.
A data frame with 13 rows and 5 variables:
- name
Character. The name of the location where the data was collected.
- category
Factor. Category for which data are aggregated (total, gender, or race/ethnicity).
- group
Factor. The group within the given category for which data are aggregated (Total, Male, Female, White, Black, Latino).
- ever_unfairly_stopped
Numeric. The share of respondents who reported having ever been unfairly stopped, harassed, or abused by police.
- multiple_times_3yr
Numeric. The share of respondents who reported this treatment having happened multiple times in the past 3 years, out of the share who reported it having happened ever.
DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey 2021, analyzed with Camille's packages cwi
and dcws
(not currently public). https://ctdatahaven.org/reports/datahaven-community-wellbeing-survey
#> # A tibble: 6 × 5
#> name category group ever_unfairly_stopped multiple_times_3yr
#> <chr> <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Connecticut Total Total 0.15 0.293
#> 2 Connecticut Gender Male 0.2 0.27
#> 3 Connecticut Gender Female 0.11 0.354
#> 4 Connecticut Race/Ethnicity White 0.12 0.162
#> 5 Connecticut Race/Ethnicity Black 0.25 0.4
#> 6 Connecticut Race/Ethnicity Latino 0.2 0.5