An sf
object containing highways (specifically keyed as motorways or trunks) in Baltimore city and surrounding counties from OpenStreetMap.
An sf data frame with 7504 rows and 4 variables:
- osm_id
Character. The OpenStreetMap ID for the highway; can be used to retrieve more metadata.
- name
Character. The name of the highway, if labeled in the OSM database.
- lanes
Numeric. The number of lanes on the highway.
- geometry
LINESTRING. The geometric representation of the highway.
OpenStreetMap database via the osmdata
#> osm_id name lanes
#> 1 4416441 <NA> 5
#> 2 4416465 <NA> 3
#> 3 4874471 <NA> 3
#> 4 4985052 Patuxent Freeway 2
#> 5 4985054 Patuxent Freeway 2
#> 6 5041550 Custis Memorial Parkway 2
#> geometry
#> 1 -76.64110, -76.63998, -76.63847, 39.27041, 39.27029, 39.27012
#> 2 -76.81415, -76.81360, -76.81353, -76.81346, -76.81335, -76.81322, -76.81257, 39.23545, 39.23297, 39.23272, 39.23247, 39.23219, 39.23191, 39.23063
#> 3 -77.15293, -77.15265, -77.15239, 39.00704, 39.00764, 39.00814
#> 4 -76.89644, -76.89605, 39.18444, 39.18431
#> 5 -76.89582, -76.89622, 39.18456, 39.18469
#> 6 -77.12362, -77.12231, -77.12196, -77.12146, -77.12113, -77.12082, -77.12068, -77.12056, -77.12045, -77.12025, -77.12006, -77.11974, -77.11949, -77.11926, -77.11884, -77.11840, -77.11814, -77.11791, -77.11779, -77.11759, -77.11728, -77.11694, -77.11660, -77.11624, -77.11586, -77.11545, -77.11517, -77.11468, -77.11423, -77.11099, 38.88092, 38.88164, 38.88185, 38.88217, 38.88242, 38.88268, 38.88280, 38.88292, 38.88304, 38.88326, 38.88348, 38.88390, 38.88424, 38.88457, 38.88515, 38.88572, 38.88602, 38.88625, 38.88636, 38.88653, 38.88677, 38.88700, 38.88721, 38.88740, 38.88758, 38.88775, 38.88784, 38.88799, 38.88811, 38.88889