A dataset containing health indicators from the CDC's PLACES project for the US, Maryland, and the state's counties and census tracts. Where tract-level data couldn't be directly measured, values are modeled. This is the most recent data from the 2023 update. The denominator for all variables is the population of adults ages 18 and older, except missing health insurance, which is based on adults ages 18 to 64.
A data frame with 14140 rows and 6 variables:
- level
Factor. The level of the data (us, state, etc.).
- year
Character. The year the data was collected.
- location
Character. The location where the data was collected (US, Maryland, etc.).
- indicator
Character. The health indicator being measured.
- value
Numeric. The rate of the corresponding population.
- pop
Numeric. The adult population size for the given location and year, used as the denominator.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) PLACES Project. Data portal, definitions, and methodology are available at https://www.cdc.gov/places/
#> # A tibble: 6 × 6
#> level year location indicator value pop
#> <fct> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 us 2021 US Health insurance 10.8 331893745
#> 2 us 2021 US Cancer (except skin) 7 331893745
#> 3 us 2021 US Mental health 14.7 331893745
#> 4 us 2021 US Diabetes 11.3 331893745
#> 5 us 2020 US Dental visit 64.8 331893745
#> 6 us 2021 US Current asthma 9.7 331893745