A sf
data frame of basic information on brownfields and national priority list (superfund) sites in Maryland. This is a subset of data from the Maryland Department of the Environment's (MDE) Land Restoration Program, filtered for sites that are listed as brownfields, NPL sites, or both.
An sf data frame with 150 rows and 11 variables:
- id
Integer. An ID, identical to the object ID in the original dataset.
- name
Character. Site name listed in the MDE database.
- address
Character. Site address(es).
- city
Character. Town name.
- is_ongoing_assess
Logical, whether assessment of the site is listed as ongoing.
- is_ongoing_remed
Logical, whether remediation of the site is listed as ongoing.
- is_archived
Logical, whether the site is considered closed.
- fy_open
Numeric. Fiscal year cleanup process was opened.
- fy_closed
Numeric. Fiscal year cleanup process was closed, if applicable.
- site_type
Factor. The site type (brownfield, npl, or both).
- geometry
POINT. Location.
Maryland Department of the Environment Land Restoration Program, available at https://mdewin64.mde.state.md.us/LRP/index.html
#> id name
#> 1 135066 FNT Realty Cherry Hill
#> 2 135084 Bush Valley Landfill
#> 3 135100 101 Garrett Street
#> 4 135110 Northhampton, City of Largo
#> 5 135114 Shellfish Seafood, Ltd.
#> 6 135115 Former PPG - Works No. 7 (Pittsburg Plate Glass)
#> address city is_ongoing_assess
#> 1 Cherry Hill Road and Metal Road Baltimore FALSE
#> 2 Bush Road Abingdon FALSE
#> 3 101 Garrett Street Baltimore FALSE
#> 4 Harry Truman Drive and Mt. Lubentia Road Largo FALSE
#> 5 30660 Hampden Avenue Princess Anne FALSE
#> 6 11601 Pittsburg Plate Glass Road Cumberland FALSE
#> is_ongoing_remed is_archived fy_open fy_closed site_type geometry
#> 1 FALSE FALSE NA NA brownfield -76.6335, 39.2574
#> 2 TRUE FALSE 1989 NA npl -76.2619, 39.4671
#> 3 FALSE FALSE 1994 NA brownfield -76.6143, 39.2376
#> 4 FALSE TRUE 2003 2003 brownfield -76.8279, 38.8806
#> 5 FALSE FALSE 2004 NA brownfield -75.6880, 38.2008
#> 6 FALSE TRUE 1997 2000 brownfield -78.7479, 39.5914