A dataset containing indicators from the US Census Bureau's 2022 American Community Survey 5-year estimates. These are given for several geographic levels, including the US, every metropolitan statistical area (MSA) in the country, the state of Maryland, and every county and census tract in Maryland.
A data frame with 1870 rows and 32 variables:
- level
Factor. Geographic level (us, msa, state, county, or tract).
- county
Character. Name of the county for tracts,
otherwise.- name
Character. The name of the geography, including FIPS codes for tracts.
- total_pop
Numeric. Total population.
- white
Numeric. Share of population that is White.
- black
Numeric. Share of population that is Black.
- latino
Numeric. Share of population that is Latino.
- asian
Numeric. Share of population that is Asian.
- other_race
Numeric. Share of population that is of other race.
- diversity_idx
Numeric. Diversity index based on the preceding race/ethnicity columns. Uses Theil's H entropy.
- foreign_born
Numeric. Share of population that is foreign born.
- total_hh
Numeric. Total households.
- homeownership
Numeric. Homeownership rate.
- total_cost_burden
Numeric. Share of households that are cost burdened, based on HUD's standard that housing costs should be no more than 30% of a household's total income.
- total_severe_cost_burden
Numeric. Share of households that are severely cost burdened, or paying more than 50% of their income toward housing costs.
- owner_cost_burden
Numeric. Share of homeowners that are cost burdened.
- owner_severe_cost_burden
Numeric. Share of homeowners that are severely cost burdened.
- renter_cost_burden
Numeric. Share of renters that are cost burdened.
- renter_severe_cost_burden
Numeric. Share of renters that are severely cost burdened
- no_vehicle_hh
Numeric. Share of households without a vehicle.
- median_hh_income
Numeric. Median household income in 2022 dollars.
- ages25plus
Numeric. Population aged 25 and over.
- less_than_high_school
Numeric. Share of population aged 25 and over with less than a high school diploma.
- high_school_grad
Numeric. Share of population aged 25 and over with a high school diploma.
- some_college_or_aa
Numeric. Share of population aged 25 and over with some college or an associate degree.
- bachelors
Numeric. Share of population aged 25 and over with a bachelor's degree.
- grad_degree
Numeric. Share of population aged 25 and over with a graduate degree.
- pov_status_determined
Numeric. Population for whom poverty status is determined.
- poverty
Numeric. Poverty rate, or the share of the population for whom poverty status is determined that lives in a household with income below the federal poverty level.
- low_income
Numeric. Low-income rate, or the share of the population for whom poverty status is determined that lives in a household with income below 2 times the federal poverty level.
- area_sqmi
Numeric. Land area in square miles.
- pop_density
Numeric. Population per square mile.
Calculated from US Census Bureau. American Community Survey 2022 5-year estimates. Calculated by Camille with the tidycensus
and cwi
#> # A tibble: 6 × 32
#> level county name total_pop white black latino asian other_race diversity_idx
#> <fct> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 us NA Unit… 331097593 0.59 0.12 0.19 0.06 0.05 0.738
#> 2 msa NA Abil… 176656 0.63 0.07 0.25 0.02 0.03 0.635
#> 3 msa NA Akro… 700578 0.78 0.12 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.493
#> 4 msa NA Alba… 147716 0.41 0.52 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.598
#> 5 msa NA Alba… 128598 0.83 0 0.1 0.01 0.06 0.384
#> 6 msa NA Alba… 901729 0.77 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.524
#> # ℹ 22 more variables: foreign_born <dbl>, total_hh <dbl>, homeownership <dbl>,
#> # total_cost_burden <dbl>, total_severe_cost_burden <dbl>,
#> # owner_cost_burden <dbl>, owner_severe_cost_burden <dbl>,
#> # renter_cost_burden <dbl>, renter_severe_cost_burden <dbl>,
#> # no_vehicle_hh <dbl>, median_hh_income <dbl>, ages25plus <dbl>,
#> # less_than_high_school <dbl>, high_school_grad <dbl>,
#> # some_college_or_aa <dbl>, bachelors <dbl>, grad_degree <dbl>, …